Counting Coconuts

The past few weeks have provided us with just enough time to settle into a nice groove, AlhamduLILLAH. We’ve managed to work consistently (most days) and I’ve seen a lot of progress from all of the children.

I knew that this year would be difficult because my 4 year old has joined us in our formal school work. She’s doing very light and fun work for the most part, but she is loving it and asking to do more all the time.

I’ve always stuck to the texts where math is concerned and so far that has worked just fine. I am noticing that my oldest gets a little frazzled sometimes (and bored), so this year, I am trying to make math informative and fun.

The children love Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and read it all the time, so I searched the net to see what lapbook opportunities were out there.

I combined ideas from several different places and this is what we made:

The coconut tree on the left was made by putting paint on her forearm for the trunk, on her hands (upside down) for the palms, and her thumbs made the coconuts. The thought of her mother allowing her to paint her arms and hands was cause for plenty of excitement.  After that, she went wild with rubber stamps.

The right side has an assortment of letters from here, a place for her name, and the tree and numbers 1-10 from here. The cover came from there as well.




About Umm Maryam

I am an American Muslim homeschooling mom of four who is living in Canada and trying to become stronger on the deen as each day passes, InshaAllah.
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