Getting Rid of the Chaos

We're Using Workboxes Since the beginning of December, I have been slowly clearing out some clutter – especially homeschool stuff. The inspiration comes from setting up the workboxes. Since I can now use materials that we never seemed to have time for in the past, I need to weed out the junk and get to the good stuff.

I also realize the need to stop jumping in and trying to get involved in too many projects – you should see the pile of worksheets that I have accumulated over the last three years!

Anyway, that got me thinking about the rest of the home. It seems that I am always cleaning the same kinds of messes around here, toys on the floor, crayons, socks, etc. I need to find better solutions so that they mostly don’t end up on the floor in the first place.

My mom is a super neat person and I always thought that once I got away from home, I wouldn’t have to worry about cleaning all the time because it came naturally to us, but try as I might, I cannot even compete with hers. LOL my husband affectionately calls it “the museum look.”

I’ve been reading through the Flylady site and learning how to better organize a household. I’m trying to rid myself of what she calls “CHAOS: Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome.” My husband and children are social creatures so you never know when I’ll get a visitor.

She says the first thing to do is “shine your sink” so that’s what I did.

See? Shiny.
Our dishwasher died about three months ago and now I am reluctantly stuck at the sink everyday. Rather than continue to feel annoyed, I’m just trying to stick to a routine and InshaALLAH, after a while, it will feel like second nature.

How do you all find the time to manage the household? Do you have a menu planned for the week? For the month? Do you keep a binder? Here’s another question – do you organize or keep a binder or something else for your own personal Islamic studies? Do you have a daily routine for studying your deen? All of these are things that I need to work on, InshaALLAH.

And now, to tackle the rest of that counter, lol.

About Umm Maryam

I am an American Muslim homeschooling mom of four who is living in Canada and trying to become stronger on the deen as each day passes, InshaAllah.
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