Suratul Falaq

The ant is lostWe have been going along steadily and making real progress lately, alhamduLILLAH. We started the Saxon Math program and so far everything is great. The phonics program is really excellent; I love the way my daughter has picked up the vocabulary rules without any problems. She also loves the readers that we assemble and color:

She even has the necessary logic to spell words on her own now. For instance, she knows how to decide if a word should start with the letter c or k. She knows how to code vowels. She has also learned some sight words as well.

For the past two weeks, we have been going over Suratul Falaq. It has been the most difficult for her to learn but masha’ALLAH she is doing well. I think, InshaALLAH in a few more sessions, she will be able to say it smoothly with no hesitation. Judge for yourself:

For social studies, she is focusing on the choices and changes that families make, such as how to spend finances (yes, they learn that money doesn’t grow on trees!) and how a family may change due to the birth of a baby or moving, etc. Science is about to get fun, I think, mostly because the weather is changing. We are assembling a science journal to record various concepts throughout the year, InshaALLAH. I’ve simply taken some thick manila paper and added a few sheets of notebook paper in between. We are scheduled to go on a nature walk this week, InshaALLAH so we will see the trees and how they are starting to awaken after this harsh winter.

Trunk Bokeh

About Umm Maryam

I am an American Muslim homeschooling mom of four who is living in Canada and trying to become stronger on the deen as each day passes, InshaAllah.
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