Do You Redecorate Your Learning Space?

Now that I have all the little ones in the classroom and three of the four will be participating full-time, I need to reorganize a tiny bit. I feel like I am not utilizing the space properly so I have to think it over a bit. I’m not planning anything fancy but I have been trying to organize some learning centers for the kids and make specific spaces for each subject.

We used to have a space for the calendar but I took it down to move it elsewhere (never got around to that, lol). I would really like to have a space dedicated to math, one for science, language arts and Islamic Studies. I have a space for geography and Arabic is next to the computer.

Do you have learning centers or bulletin boards? I like to visit Islamic Bulletin Boardsfor inspiration from time to time but I haven’t printed the materials just yet.

I was searching for free materials for teachers and there are tons out there if you have the time (and mostly if you’re in the States). I received a free poster from the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science Genomic Science Program, (lol, such a long name). It’s a poster of human genome landmarks.


Yes, it’s geeky and my kids won’t know what it means but that doesn’t mean that you can’t get yours for your high school learners. I have others on the way, InshaALLAH but this was the first to arrive. If you’re interested, go the website.

Our penpals were once again gracious enough to think about us and send us lovely letters once again. Hopefully, everyone will receive ours soon, InshaALLAH.

About Umm Maryam

I am an American Muslim homeschooling mom of four who is living in Canada and trying to become stronger on the deen as each day passes, InshaAllah.
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