Shaking My Head at This. May ALLAH Shield Us From Hatred, Ameen

“I found out the child I am sponsoring is Muslim. I Don’t know what to do.?

I decided to sponsor a needy child thru Children Int’l. I wanted to since I was 18 & finally decided to hop on the internet & sponsor a child. I wanted an indian child. When you search you can see the child’s first name. I skipped over the children with muslim first names (Mohammad, etc) Not only because I don’t support muslims, but also because I wanted a hindu child, whose culture & religion facinates me.

Anyway, I picked a child with a first name that I thought was hindu. They sent me his information & I found out he’s muslim. (last name is Ahmed). Ouch.

So now I feel like a heel if I disconnect from the sponsorship. I want to help a child. But I wanted him to be hindu, but def not muslim.

They don’t offer religion–just country,gender, age & pictures. I try to remember that not all muslims are bad, but they are part of a religion I want no part of.

Can anyone help me with this decision? Am I a terrible person? Would you feel the same way? Constructive answers only.”

About Umm Maryam

I am an American Muslim homeschooling mom of four who is living in Canada and trying to become stronger on the deen as each day passes, InshaAllah.
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