Working on So Many Things

It seems that we have finally started to wrap up some loose ends around here. My laptop is still at the shop and InshaALLAH the hardware will be saved and I can continue blogging on a regular basis.

We are still completing our unit on classification but we are just about done. I ordered the unit study from CurrClick a long time ago and we’ve picked it up sporadically throughout the year. Last week, we briefly covered invertebrates so the children were delighted to get some hands on time with some starfish fossils and various shells that I’ve collected throughout the year.



After finishing the Treaty of Hudaiybiyah (copywork), we added it to our Islamic Studies notebook.


InshaALLAH we are starting the 99 Names and Attributes of ALLAH, using The Names and Attributes of ALLAH by Shaikh ‘Umar Sulaiman Al-Ashqar, and we are learning about the Mothers of the Believers too, AlhamduLILLAH. We will learn nine names at a time, InshaALLAH.

I’ve also finally gotten around to teaching the kids to count in Arabic. I’ve added some visual aids to the whiteboard and we use them to count each day. I downloaded them from Yemen Links so long ago, SubhanALLAH but I’ve only just now put them up. Sometimes I find lots of resources but I don’t have the time to implement them right away.

The good news, AlhamduLILLAH, is that my husband and daughter have picked up where they left off and she is back on track with learning Suratul Fajr. Do you remember when I said that we were sending them to the Islamic school down the street? AlhamduLILLAH for the sisters there. They work so hard at running the school but I found it too difficult to juggle outside homework with their homeschool work. They had so much homework from one class that it took most of the day and evening to finish. This would be fine if we weren’t homeschooling, but SubhanALLAH it was making them quite unhappy. They are happy to have new friends from the masjid though and now they also have Muslim neighbors so I see the whole experience as a win.

About Umm Maryam

I am an American Muslim homeschooling mom of four who is living in Canada and trying to become stronger on the deen as each day passes, InshaAllah.
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