What A Busy Ramadan It Has Been!

AlhamduLILLAH, it has turned out to be quite a productive Ramadan. The decorations were set up, thanks to all of the sisters who have contributed to Islamic Bulletin Boards, including Umm Abdul Basir’s good deed stars and a family portrait, lol. We quickly ran out of room for the stars, MashaALLAH since everyone was eager to outdo one another in good deeds. The mosque is the same one from Sister Farhana’s blog, scroll down to “Mosque money box”.

Ramadan 1431

For the stars, we cut up recyclable food boxes and covered them with aluminum foil. Then I punched a hole in the top and added string.

We also began a new surah and reviewed those that were already learned. It’s amazing what the younger children have picked up just by listening. They can almost recite as well as the oldest, MashaALLAH and they haven’t had any formal lessons yet. Right now, we’re working on Suratal Fajr, we have just a few more ayat to go, InshaALLAH.

Beautiful KitabULLAH

We hardly dealt with our secular studies this month as we filled the time with more Arabic. However, we did make rain gauges to monitor the precipitation and we were so surprised by the amount of rainfall that we’ve had. Even before this weekend’s storm, our gauges were almost to the top.

Making Rain Gauges
.5 inch rain

The older children worked on the verb forms and conjugated various words. They caught on quickly, MashaALLAH, as I remember it being quite a while before I could do it from memory.

Conjugating Verbs

I had a request for the Arabic pictures that we have hanging on our clothesline. I guess my brain wasn’t working at the time, but I will try to scan those and make them available soon, InshaALLAH.If you’re interested, you can visit Digital Dialects and play some Arabic language games too.

Current Classroom Setup

In addition to all this, my mother and nephew paid us a visit!

Ramadan 1431

Edited to add: if you would like to print this alphabet bunting, go here. I may change it to “Eid Mubarak” tonight if I remember.

We hadn’t seen them since last year and this was the first time that we celebrated Ramadan in the presence of any non-Muslim family members. I have to say, it was tougher to fast this time because we were out a lot and that took a lot of patience since there were so many excited children, lol. The Ukhti three doors down was kind enough to invite us all over and she cooked a great meal for us, MashaALLAH.

I hope that you all are enjoying these last moments of Ramadan and that you are taking advantage of this special time, InshaALLAH. Make du’a for us and InshaALLAH I will be making it for all of you as well. There are a few sisters who have emailed me and I apologize for taking so long to get back to you, I just haven’t had the patience to do much concerning the blog during this time. InshaALLAH I will get back to you soon. Oh and from all of us,



About Umm Maryam

I am an American Muslim homeschooling mom of four who is living in Canada and trying to become stronger on the deen as each day passes, InshaAllah.
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