I Made it into the Western Sunrise Course

AlhamduLILLAH I was able to attend the Western Sunrise Course (Islamic History in Africa, Al-Andalus, and  the Americas) at Al Maghrib Institute. The course was taught by Shaykh Abdullah Hakim Quick and I must say JazakALLAH Khairin to all of you who made du’a for me to go.

There were extensive notes provided in a bound, spiral notebook and we were able to ask lots of intense, discussion-worthy questions to the Shaykh which he graciously answered.  As a homeschooling mom, I must urge you to attend if possible. This was the first time in seven years that I have spent so much time alone, away from my kids (giving birth at the hospital doesn’t count, lol).

The Shaykh urged us to share what we’ve learned (otherwise, what’s the point, right?) so I plan to do just that, InshaALLAH. I will be studying for the exam (on the 31st) but in the meantime, I will organize my notes and thoughts in order to share them with you, InshaALLAH.

InshaALLAH, you will see why we as an Ummah, need to stop being sucked into the cultural and racial centric ideals and start being “Makkah-centric”. Why there needs to be an Islamic revival and we need to learn our history as well as document the present for future generations. For instance, did you know that the Muslims entered the Americas long before Christopher Columbus ever dreamed of reaching it (which he never did)? Qayrawaan, Marrakech, Cordoba, Toledo, Seville, Fez, Timbuktu and countless other Islamic cities were great centres of learning? Did you know that the country Portugal gets its name from the Arabic “burtuqaal”, which means orange? About 30% of all slaves taken to the Americas were Muslim. Traditionally, Muslims always drew their maps, this way. I could go on and on, but you’ll have to wait 🙂

About Umm Maryam

I am an American Muslim homeschooling mom of four who is living in Canada and trying to become stronger on the deen as each day passes, InshaAllah.
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