Everybody is Doing the "Still Alive/Still Here Post" and Here’s Mine!

AlhamduLILLAH, it’s nice that people check up on us and make sure that everything is all right. We’ve actually been really productive lately and getting up earlier –  (if you know me, you know that I’m a night owl). Since my daughter started praying, we’ve been starting school right after fajr and I must say, the days are certainly longer but we seem to get more work done. The flip side is that in the evening, I have trouble staying awake, lol. I suppose a nap is in order after Dhuhr?

 Over the last few days, we’ve covered the prophets Nuh (alayhi salaam), Hud (alayhi salaam) and Saleh (alayhi salaam).

The wicked people of the Prophet Saleh’s (alayhi salaam) time were destroyed via earthquake, so we took the opportunity to make a 3D earthquake to go along with the story.

My eldest daughter is writing mini biographies for each prophet that we cover,(a paragraph), and the younger children take turns narrating the stories to me. We are also writing biographies for the wives of the Prophet Muhammad (salallahu alayhi wa sallam). For this, I am using The Fragile Vessels as a guide.

Arabic is getting tougher but we’re still hanging in there, AlhamduLILLAH. I am trying to find ways to make the vocabulary stick in our minds without always having to act it out or constantly drill, but those are necessary tasks right now. We read from our scholastic Arabic books and illustrated the story. This week’s book was On a Boat.

My daughter did a quick sketch and wrote the vocabulary words on the side. She also completed some copywork on the left.

After completing math and all the other odds and ends, the kids completed puzzles, planted a rock garden and did a bit of weaving.

About Umm Maryam

I am an American Muslim homeschooling mom of four who is living in Canada and trying to become stronger on the deen as each day passes, InshaAllah.
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